When you own a home, there is a certain ebb and flow to the work schedule. The lawn needs to be fertilized in the spring and aerated in the fall. The windows need to be cleaned, but only after the gutters are cleaned out. The batteries in the smoke detectors need to be checked on the same day that you change the clocks forward or back. Your home's HVAC system, however, doesn't play by the rules. It wants constant attention and it wants it every. single. month. Most homeowners have no idea that the furnace and air conditioner need so much of their time, Luckily, it's only a few minutes a month as the tasks are fairly easy.
1. Replace Filters: Your furnace has a disposable filter that needs to be replaced every single month that it is running. While everyone is gung-ho to check and replace the filter in October when things start to get chilly throughout most of the country, most do not remember to change it nearly as often as they should. Furnace filters are very inexpensive. An easy way to remember to pop out the old one and put in the new one is to buy a stack at the beginning of the season. They don't have an expiration date or anything, so you can just store them in your furnace or utility room and always be prepared. Next, set a timer in your phone that alerts you on the first of each month to switch it out. Easy.
2. Check for Flammables: At the same exact time you change the furnace filter, take another minute to inspect the area around your furnace. You are checking to make sure that no one in your family inadvertently stored flammables, like used paint cans, cleaning chemicals, or paper, too close to the furnace and its pilot light. Check the owner's manual for your furnace to see how much clearance the manufacturer recommends for your particular model. Likewise, give the area a quick sweep or vacuum to pick up any collected dust or lingering dust bunnies.
3. Remove Debris: In the months when you are running the air conditioner, you need to spend a few minutes after you mow the lawn each week to clear the area and remove debris. Dead leaves and cut grass can quickly clog intake valves while twigs and branches that fall on the unit can cause damage. Lastly, any weeds that manage to escape the weed wacker need to be trimmed or pulled as they can also block important air exchange systems.
4. Inspect Vents: One last task that you need to perform to keep your entire HVAC system, both the furnace and air conditioner, up and running at its best is to walk around the house and check all the vents every month. Vents can be accidentally covered or blocked by toys, furniture, and anything else that piles up in your house over the course of a month. Taking the time to walk around and quickly look at each vent can help ensure that your HVAC is running well and is getting enough air exchanged to properly do its job.
In addition to these monthly tasks, be sure to call your local heating and cooling repair company to schedule an annual checkpoint on both your furnace in late summer or early fall and the air conditioner in the late spring or early summer, well before you need to turn either unit on for the season. While your HVAC requires attention monthly, the tasks are simple to perform, take very little time, and most importantly, ensure that you have a happy, healthy HVAC.
For more information, get in touch with a local HVAC company such as Master Service Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration.
Share13 December 2018
I know it can be difficult to make yourself think about getting your furnace running when the skies are sunny and the temperatures are hovering around 90, but it is the best time for you to think about your heating system. Getting ahead of the winter preparation game will help to save on the cost of the repairs because the need for furnace maintenance is usually at a low during the fall season. This blog will show you what you can do to prepare your furnace for winter and when you should hire a professional HVAC technician to take care of it for you.