4 Ways Timely Heating Repairs Can Boost Energy Efficiency


Your home's heating system consumes a significant amount of electricity or gas. As a result, the system takes up a larger chunk of your utility bills if it is energy inefficient. If you receive high energy bills, that's one sign that you probably need to schedule a heating repair. So, how do repairs restore a furnace's energy efficiency? Below are some ways a repair technician can restore energy efficiency and reduce energy bills.

1. Calibrating or Reprogramming Thermostats 

Smart thermostats adjust temperatures automatically throughout the day to avoid energy wastage. For instance, you can set the system to shut down when you aren't around and automatically warm your home an hour before you arrive from work. This takes a huge workload off the system by allowing it to work only when needed.

If you receive unusually high energy bills, the thermostat could be faulty. It might need recalibrating or reprogramming to enhance efficiency. Besides, you might need to change the batteries or replace the entire thermostat. Your technician will recommend the most suitable solution to the problem.

2. Clean or Replace Air Filters Regularly

Your furnace has built-in air filters to extract dirt and debris from the air being circulated in your home. Air filters are responsible for the high indoor air quality you receive from the heating and cooling system. However, the trapped dirt builds up over time, clogging the filters.

Your heating system will overwork to force heated air past the clogged filters. This can weaken your motor and spike your bills. Therefore, you should schedule furnace repairs to clean and replace the air filters to restore energy efficiency.

3. Retrofitting Your Old Furnace System

Complete heating system replacements can be costly. Old systems are infamous for their energy inefficiency mainly because they weren't built to conserve energy usage, and their components are worn out. However, your technician could provide a solution by retrofitting the heating system.

You can install new parts like the compressor, fans, condenser, evaporator coils, and motor to boost your system's energy efficiency. Retrofitting is a good way to boost energy savings without breaking the bank.

4. Seal Ductwork

Another major problem that may affect your system's energy efficiency is leaking ductwork. When your vents have holes and cracks, air escapes leaving the furnace to work harder to achieve the required output. You'll know you have leaking ductwork if some of the rooms in your house register low warmth. Let the technician seal the cracks and holes to restore energy efficiency and save money.

Before investing in a new system to reduce energy bills, consider asking the technician to find alternative solutions that cost less to fix inefficiency. These are just a few ways your technician might help you make major cost savings.


22 June 2022

preparing your furnace for winter

I know it can be difficult to make yourself think about getting your furnace running when the skies are sunny and the temperatures are hovering around 90, but it is the best time for you to think about your heating system. Getting ahead of the winter preparation game will help to save on the cost of the repairs because the need for furnace maintenance is usually at a low during the fall season. This blog will show you what you can do to prepare your furnace for winter and when you should hire a professional HVAC technician to take care of it for you.